Thursday, February 3, 2011

Week 1: The excitement of receiving an iPad

Over the past week, I assigned iPads to 13 new students and Larry returned his to a cohort of 15 students who were taking the second semester of Freshman Comp as a continued experience as a cohort together.

Needless to say, the students were excited. Since these were now used iPads from last semester, we had a failure of one within a few days. I will "hard boot" the iPad to see if it is really gone.

One thing both Larry and I have discovered is that the iPad can affect student grades a bit if you aren't prepared for it. It is simply a matter of needing a couple of class days to get students comfortable, thereby removing a couple of days from content instruction. As we monitored are students in standard classes versus those on iPads, we noticed a slight dip in grades and, after looking at where that was occuring, we realized that it was due to those lost days. This semester, we have planned our instruction to alleviate that issue (hopefully).

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